Gotta’ Love The Kid….

When my wife and I went out-of-town for a few days to celebrate our 25th anniversary a few years ago, we asked my son Alex  – at the time a college student at the Cronkite School School of Journalism and all around good guy (most of the time), that he stop by and water the lawn, garden and cats (the cats really hate being watered), while we were gone. We also asked him if he was planning a party in our absence to which he replied that no, that while he had too much to do on break to plan a party, he would come by and take care of the watering and the cats.

We left on Thursday. Friday afternoon I got the following text message:

“Hey! Decided to have a small kickback at the house. 15 total people. Will clean up any and all messes. Love You.”

I didn’t respond, he knows it’s OK with us that he invites his friends, especially the “total people” ones.

Saturday 9:30am I get from him:

“When are you guys coming home?”

Me: “Why?, Wazzup?”

Him: “Oh nothing. Just wanted to see how long I had to make the house spotless.”

My wife and I have tears running down our faces from laughing so hard. At least mine were caused by laughter.

Me: “Just how ‘spotty’ is it???”

Him: “Not at all really. Mainly just cans and bottles to pick up. Very relaxed group last night….you’re not answering my question.”

I suppose they were relaxed. Curious as to what was in those cans and bottles. OK, no I’m not…

Me: “Monday”

Him: “Cool, Have fun.” (audible sigh of relief from somewhere far away)

When we arrived home there was little to complain about. I am curious, however, as to why the recycle bin and garbage cans were  empty. Too bad, they might have told a great story….