What About Me?

I’m an old dude that’s had a great life. I have a wonderful wife who shows me what marriage should be all about and two great sons. Being in my (ahem) 60’s and having those two sons, I’ve seen lots of new technologies and changes on the social, political and business fronts. Not all of which have been for the better. I don’t long for “the good ol’ days” because as I’ve heard it put, they weren’t all that good, they’re just old.

I live in the wonderfully rednecked state of Arizona where, due to our legislature, we are doomed to live in the past. You would think that our education ranking already being at 49th would inspire them to look elsewhere for budget cuts. Yet, being the true idiots that they are, that’s one of the first places they went. I claim affiliation to no political party – none of them are worth it. 

My ramblings come from observing life and views of the news. They are flavored with a little skepticism, a dash of cynacism and a generous helping of optimism that the human animal, which creates its’ own messes, is capable of cleaning them up. Unlike children and small dogs.

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