Age and Performance Enhancing Drugs

Most people reading this are probably younger than I am.

I’m good with that.

I’m also good with the fact that I belong to a diminishing demographic.

I’m OK with all of that because at the end of my days, I can say that I have been given a good life. I have a wonderful wife and two cool sons.

Though in retrospect, it seems I fought it all the way.

When I was younger, I was strong, I was immortal. I was always right. (Everyone else was fubar.)

Ah, the wisdom of youth…

But things changed. I learned some valuable lessons that I applied to life:

Find beauty in nature, or at least some part of it. (Then kill it and learn how to marinate it properly with wine.)

Take time to wonder, and then take time to find the answer. (Only after you’re awarded the grant.)

Find the good in yourself. (It may just be difficult to see because sometimes there are just too many other crazies in there.)

If you have children, occasionally mess with their minds. (It’s one of the vastly under-rated  pleasures of parenthood.)

In general: Loosen up!! (Tight-asses have ruled the world since the beginning of time and look where it’s gotten us.)

I look at life altogether differently now. I’m happy. I feel I am achieving my definition of success.

I owe it, in large part, to my performance enhancing drugs-

Viagra and Metamucil.

I have finally learned to accept  my mortality.

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